Quote Of The Month

"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
Madeleine Albright

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Conference[s] We Will Go!!

It is that time of year, spring is blooming, conference planners are running themselves ragged. This year I have been invited to two: New England's Let Your Imagination Take Flight [March] and the annual Maine Retreat [May].
I'll run my mouth at both, of course. Sex Offenders at NEC and TBA for the Maine folks.
I can't wait. I've never been to NEC and I've always wanted to go. It'll be fun to see all my pals at the Maine RWA chapter again. We had great fun last year.
Also, I've been asked to be a final round judge for The Laurie Contest this year. This is a first for me [final round, I mean]. Gee, my name will go in the RWR and everything!!!
Big stuff, aren't we?