Quote Of The Month

"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
Madeleine Albright

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Getting back on the saddle

Well, I tried--going to an editor chat.
They wouldn't let me in.
Because I forgot to write the password down and keep it in a safe place.
This computer age stuff is for the birds!

As I have the next week off from diaper and training pants duty--thank the sweet baby Jesus and all the saints in heaven--I plan to spend the time sewing my fat chubby fingers off. Several babies are due in the extended family and I like to make diaper bags for the expectant parents. If I like them I make two--one more masculine for the dad and one in the mom's fav colors or prints. Before I send it off I like to stuff the bag with baby things like rattles and pacifiers [can never have enough of those puppies] and boppy covers.

When the diaper bags are completed I'm making a book bag for my niece, fixing a Curious George backpack I made for my darling Meredith, and various Dora the Explorer accoutrements for Mere's bedroom. I've stocked up on 50% off coupons from JoAnn fabrics which should help the cost.

And . . . months ago I promised my two favorite critique partners purple totes with coordinating pansy pockets and straps. It's spring, let's celebrate!!!


1 comment:

Dara Edmondson said...

Cool idea about the diaper bags. Nice looking blog.